This original curriculum was written for adults and grew out of a successful lawsuit by consumer survivors in the State of Maine whereby a consent decree required…
…the development of a curriculum and training program to train public mental health workers about trauma-sensitive services.
Research in the field of traumatology demonstrates that many of our most difficult-to-treat, suicidal, and self-injuring patients have histories of childhood trauma. The tenet of this curriculum is that understanding the psychological consequences of early trauma, as well as utilizing state-of-the-art treatment practices, will result in mental health care that is more clinically effective and significantly cost-saving.
Research in the field of traumatology demonstrates that many of our most difficult-to-treat, suicidal, and self-injuring patients have histories of childhood trauma. The tenet of this curriculum is that understanding the psychological consequences of early trauma, as well as utilizing state-of-the-art treatment practices, will result in mental health care that is more clinically effective and significantly cost-saving.
Since its initial publication, the RC curriculum has been adapted to a wide variety of professional groups, including child-serving professionals, foster parents, faith leaders, domestic violence professionals, and primary care physicians.
Authors: Karen W. Saakvitne, Ph.D., Sarah Gamble, Ph.D., Laurie Anne Pearlman, Ph.D., and Beth Tabor Lev, Ph.D.