Set in Hadley, Massachusetts in 1944, My Beard is White Now follows a family struggling to recover from tragedy as they discover their capacity for resilience, growth, and love. While the story is fiction, it rests squarely on the history of the era of World War II. Over 400,000 prisoners of war were held on American soil. Without their help, both agriculture and forestry would have suffered severely from the loss of manpower as American men and women marched off to war.
My Beard Is White Now
Set in Hadley, Massachusetts in 1944, My Beard is White Now follows a family struggling to recover from tragedy as they discover their capacity for resilience, growth, and love. While the story is fiction, it rests squarely on the history of the era of World War II. Over 400,000 prisoners of war were held on American soil. Without their help, both agriculture and forestry would have suffered severely from the loss of manpower as American men and women marched off to war.